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-the world most spectacular variety

-the world's most magnificent valley bordered by staggering mts and waterfalls;

-pres Abraham Lincoln signed the Y Grant in 1864=> a California state park;

-decades later- national park-made famous by the writin 424o1412e gs of publisher Horace Greeley and the efforts of naturalist Jon Muir;

- recently the images of Y have been popularized by the photography of Ansel Adams;

- magnificence of Y is expressed in a host of natural wonders: El Capitan  & Half- Dome mts; Yosemite & Bridalveil; the high Sierra country that includes Toulume m & Tigona Pass; the majestic gigant sequoia tresat Mariposa Grove;

-a diverse wildlife roams the vast 1,70 square miles of YNP: deer ,mule, mt lion, black bears, coyotes, bighorn sheep, the rare peregrine flacon;

-with these all natural riches, it is small wander that Y continues to grow as one of America's most popular np;

-beside fishing ,cross-country ,skiing, even golfing, Y offers incredible  rock-climbing opportunities on the faces of such peaks as Half-Dome &El Capitan;

- a few hours of car travel from Y will take you to the Devil's Postpile National Monument ;


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