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Appetite: Abnormal Cravings


Appetite: Abnormal Cravings.

Sul-ac - Craving for stimulants.

All-cepa - Deranged, as from cold; craving for raw onions.

Alum - Craves starch, chalk an 10210m123k d other indigestible things.

Ant-crud - Craves acids and pickles.

Arg-nit - Great desire of sweets.

Asaf - Loathing of food, with greasy taste.

Aurum - Fitful, ravenous appetite.

Calc - Ravenous hunger with indigestion, aversion to meat and hot food;

longing for hard boiled eggs, slate pencils; sweets; milk does not agree with him.

China - Variable; craves sweets and odd things.

Colch Craves different things, but the smell of them cooking,

nauseates him.

Ferr - Voracious hunger or complete loss of appetite; intolerance of


Grap - Dislikes sweets.

Hep - Longing for acids, wine, strong food.

Iod - Eats often, and feels better; ravenous hunger with progressive


Lyc - Sense of repletion immediately after eating; canine hunger; eating

does not satisfy her; aversion to bread.

Mez - Craving for ham-fat.

Mosch - Craves stimulants.

Nux-vom - Ravenous hunger before attack of indigestion.

Sec - Ravenous hunger with diarrhoea.

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