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Acon - Sense of heat in chest.

Amm-carb - Oppressed breathing, worse from exertion and warm room.

Amm-mur - Burning pain in small spots in the chest.

Apis - Irritation in supra-sternal fossa, provoking cough; great

dyspnoea, as though every breath would be the last.

Arg-met - Weakness of left chest; raw spot over supra-sternal fossa.

Ars - Excessive dyspnoea, must sit up; fear of death.

Asaf - Great oppression in chest, better from belching gas.

Aurum - Asthma; anxious feeling about heart; cannot stay anywhere.

Brom - Oppression; difficult, painful breathing.

Bry - Stitching pain in chest; feels as if it would fly to pieces.

Calc - Very sensitive to pressure and touch.

Cann-sat - Can only breath while standing up.

Carbo-v - Rawness in chest; asthma.

Chel - Rapid, short breathing, with pain on inspiring; right side.

China - Rattling in chest; suffocative catarrh; hacking after eating.

Cuprum - Violent asthma, coming and going suddenly.

Dig - Difficult, irregular, sighing breathing; great dyspnoea.

Dros - Asthma, worse from talking.

Ipec - Distressing dyspnoea; acts as though choking to death; fine

bubbling rales in chest; ends in vomiting and relief.

Kali-carb - Wheezing.

Kali-iod - Colds begin in the head and travel down into the chest.

Lobel - Constriction, dyspnoea, better from walking.

Mosch - Oppressive breathing; asthma; paralysis of lungs.

Phos - Tightness and soreness in upper chest.

Puls - Ulcerative pain in middle of thorax.

Ranun - Sever, sticking, bruised pain in lower ribs and out parts of

chest, with difficult breathing and deep soreness.

Stan - Great weakness of chest; oppressive breathing.

Sul - Chest feels heavy; can't breathe; must have windows open.

Ver-vir - Suffocating difficulty of breathing.

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