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Headache Nit-ac - Sensitive to light pressure; to lying on head; as though in a vise or tightly bound



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Head Sul-ac - Sensation as if brain were loose in skull and falling from side to side


Nit-ac - Sensitive to light pressure; to lying on head; as though in a

vise or tightly bound.

All-cepa - Catarrhal, frontal, worse in warm room.

Aloe - Dull, pressing above the eyes.

Anac - Better, for a short time from eating and lying down; worse from


Arg-met - Neuralgic, left-sided, with vertigo; recurring daily.

Arg-nit - With creepy sensation in scalp; better from tight ban 131d314b dage.

Aurum - Congestive, violent, with mental and sexual excitement.

Bapt - Soreness deep in the brain.

Bell - Congestive, throbbing; worse from jar, noise, lying down; from

having hair cut, from exposure to hot sun.

Bry - Bursting, splitting, sticking; from within outward; occipital or

frontal, extending backward into neck; worse from slightest move.

Cactus - Congestive, pulsating; as if head were in a vise.

Calc - Heavy; from within outward; one part at a time; sense of

congestion; heat alternating with coldness.

Cann-ind - Severe, as though head were opening and shutting or skull

were being lifted.

Carbo-v - From every indiscretion.

Cimic - As if top of head would fly off; brain feels too large for

skull; severe pain in eye-balls; faint at stomach; from overstudy; loss of sleep; in uterine affections.

China - As though skull would burst; as though brain were loose.

Clematis - Confused; with tearing pain in the brain, boring pain at the

back of head.

Coff - As if nail were driven into brain; as if brain were torn.

Cuprum - Bruised pain in brain and eye-balls when turning them.

Eup-per - At top and back; periodical; soreness of eye-balls.

Ferr - Throbbing, hammering, congestive.

Gels - With vertigo, and dimness of vision; as of a band around occiput.

Glon - Intense, crushing, pulsating, throbbing, intolerace of warmth

about head.

Ign - Congestion; inability to think; better from leaning head forward;

agonizing, as a nail were being driven into brain.

Iris - With nausea, salivation, profuse vomiting of bile.

Kali-phos - With vertigo; "goneness"; from mental exhaustion.

Lach - Left-sided; deep; undulating.

Lilium - Wild, crazy feeling in the head.

Lobel - With deathly nausea, vomiting and great prostration.

Merc - Semi-lateral, in temple; bursting; aching in nape of the neck;

Nat-mur - As though little hammers were knocking upon the brain; from

sunrise to sunset; left side; bursting; with nausea and vomiting; headache of anaemia; headache of school girls.

Nux-vom - Dull, heavy, frontal, over eyes, in occiput; feels distended

and sore deep in; dizziness; as if pressure upon hard substance would relieve.

Petr - Headache into vertex, with stiff neck; better from rapid motion

of head; with vertigo and nausea.

Phos - In shocks; superficial; with heat and fulness; buzzing in ears.

Plum - As if ball were rising from throat into brain.

Sang - Periodical, occipital, over right eye, with shivering and nausea;

with flushes of heat; congestive, redness of cheeks, vertigo; with dizziness, passing nausea, uneasiness in bowels and stool, followed by relief.

Spig - Pressing, in right temple, into eye; worse from jar, noise in the


Sul - Periodical; with heat on top of head.

Zinc - Aching in nape of neck; anaemia; neurasthenia.

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