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This study was carried out at the Division of Pharmaceutical Technology, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Helsinki.

I am grateful to Professor Jouko Yliruusi, head of the Division of Pharmaceutical Technology, not only for providing excellent facilities for my work but for his humane support and 121g620b scientific guidance during these years.

I wish to express my deepest and most sincere gratitude to my supervisor Docent Jukka Rantanen for his endless optimism and positive way of thinking during all the stages of my work. Without his excellent scientific knowledge, encouragement and enthusiasm this work would not have been possible.

My gratitude extends to Dr. Kirsi Jouppila and Professor Anne Mari Juppo, the reviewers of my thesis, for their constructive comments and suggestions for improvement of my thesis.

I express my appreciation to all my co-authors: Dr. Anna Jørgensen, Docent Milja Karjalainen, Niina Kivikero M.Sc., Ella Leppänen M.Sc., Docent Pirjo Luukkonen, Docent Eetu Räsänen, Anna Shevchenko M.Sc., and Dr. Sari Westermarck for their valuable contributions and creative discussions.

I warmly thank the whole staff of Pharmaceutical Technology Division for providing the pleasant and inspiring working atmosphere and for the help in practical issues whenever needed. Many thanks go to Leila Peltola for taking good care of me. Special thanks belong to my former and present roommates Dr. Karin Krogars, Dr. HongXia Guo, Docent Milja Karjalainen, and M.Sc. Niina Kivikero, for the friendship, help and for sharing my moments of happiness and discouragement.

I owe my deepest thanks to my family. I dedicate this thesis to my deceased parents, Tuulikki and Aarne Alanen, who are greatly acknowledged for giving me the tools for life. Without infinite encouragement, support and the baby-sitting service of my mother during her last years everything would have been much harder.

My heartfelt thanks to my dear husband, Docent Matti Airaksinen, for his love and for guiding me into the scientific "Chamber of Secrets". Furthermore, I want to thank my dear sons, Robert and Oliver, for reminding me of what is really important in life.

The financial support from the National Technology Agency of Finland (TEKES), the Finnish Cultural Foundation (Elli Turunen Foundation), the Finnish Pharmaceutical Society and the Association of Finnish Pharmacies are gratefully acknowledged.

Helsinki, October 2005

Sari Airaksinen

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