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What procedures do you have the equipment for and have you performed on your patients?


A question I often receive is, "What procedures do you have the equipment for and have you performed on your patients?" After having answered this question many times, I decided to make a list outlining the procedures I have performed many times 10510b122k and have all of the available equipment and supplies for. I have also included a brief description or note on each one.

Note that the procedures I list range from very mild to wild and all are not recommended for beginners in medical fetish play.

The procedures I would perform on any patient would totally depend on the patient's level of medical fetish play experience and their desires to have done or not to have done. The order is arbitrary and I welcome questions for description in greater detail.

Visualize ear canal and ear drum with otoscope and speculum.

Visualize nasal cavities with otoscope and speculum.

Visualize optic nerve and inner eye with opthalmascope.

Measure blood pressure with psygmanometer (blood pressure cuff) and stethoscope.

Listen to heart with stethoscope.

Listen to lungs with stethoscope.

Test reflexes with reflex hammer.

Test neural response with Wartenburg wheel.

Measure rectal temperature with glass/mercury thermometer.

Manual breast examination and palpation.

Visualize labia, mons, clitoris, urethral opening and vaginal opening and perform manual examination and palpation.

Manual (digital) and Bi-manual examination of vagina.

Dilate vagina with speculum and perform visual examination of cervix.

With vagina dilated and cervix visualized, swab cervix with cotton swab for culture. (this will most likely get you very hot)

As above, dilate cervix with sounds. (if you are pre-menopausal and in your 3rd to 4th week of the month, this will most likely start your period)

Irrigate (douche) vagina with warm water.

Sterilize urethral opening with Betadine and dilate urethra with Hagar sounds using sterile procedure. (if this is not your first time or you are over your fear factor, this procedure will most likely cause an orgasm)

Catheterize patient with Foley catheter using sterile procedure and drain urine from bladder.

Irrigate bladder with sterile saline and sterile syringe.

Administer enema with normal enema nozzle.

Administer enema with enema syringe. (60 CC or 8 Oz.)

Administer enema with douche nozzle.

Administer enema with retention nozzle.

Administer high colonic enema with 18 to 24" rectal tube. (enemas may consist of warm water, cold water, wine, coffee, chamomile tea, castile soap, saline or sodium bicarbonate (baking soda)

Digital rectal examination.

Rectal dilation with large sounds.

Rectal dilation with two bladed speculum.

Rectal dilation with three bladed speculum. (more intense)

Rectal exam with proctoscope. (actually feels good)

Saline injections in buttocks with needle and syringe.

Vitamin B injections in buttocks. (painful)

Saline injections in breasts with needle and syringe. (not very painful)

Saline injections in labia (very painful)

Sutures (stitches) in breast. (painful)

Sutures in labia. (extremely painful, hard core players only)

Needle play with sterile hypodermic needles in breast (minor pain, believe me)

Needle play with sterile hypodermic needles in buttocks (more painful)

Needle play with sterile hypodermic needles in labia (hard core players only)

Violet wand treatment on smooth or striated muscle tissue. (tingles intensely)

Violet wand treatment on breasts and nipples. (a little more intense)

Violet wand treatment of clitoris. (extremely intense)

Violet wand treatment of vagina (extremely intense)

Violet wand treatment with Wartenburg wheel (leaves tiny marks that disappear in a couple of days)

Violet wand anal treatment (less intense) I have several antique violet wands that are approximately 75 years old and have been restored to work as good as the day they were purchased. I have every electrode available and all of them work. If you haven't tried a violet wand treatment, you don't know what you are missing.

This is not a complete list but all that immediately come to mind. Certainly not everyone will enjoy all of the above listed procedures, it is more of a menu to choose from.

Each examination begins with a consultation as to the patient's wishes and also to outline what the patient absolutely does not want to take place. Aside from that, I monitor the patient and will discontinue any procedure where I feel it is too intense for the patient to tolerate. Most beginners will want more than they should have and I will definitely counsel against any procedure that I feel they are not ready for.

Examinations take place without any form of physical restraint, however, it can be provided if requested.

I hope this answers your questions but please feel free to ask if you need clarification or desire a procedure I have not listed above.

Dr. Gary

Naughty Nurse Susan

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