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Urine - Urinary Organs


Urine - Urinary Organs.

Nit-ac - Offensive, like urine of horse; dark, reddish, bloody,


Phos-ac - Copious, clear, watery; cloud of white sediment; like milk; as

if mixed with jelly; decomposes quickly.

Acon - Scanty, hot, with urethral 11211r1719l burning and tenesmus.

Alum - When urinating, straining in rectum.

Apis - Painful, scanty; burning before and during micturition.

Arg-nit - When passing last drops; cutting pain from urethra to anus;

ulcerative soreness in middle of urethra.

Ars - Scanty, dark, albuminous.

Aurum - Like buttermilk; decomposes quickly; passes more urine than he

drinks liquids.

Berb - Bright red; mucus; mealy sediment; pain in loins and thighs.

Bry - Scanty, hot, dark like beer.

Calc - Dark brown, fetid; white sediment.

Cann-sat - Burning biting while urinating, extending into bladder;

urethra sensitive; must walk with legs apart; discharge of muco-purulent matter from urethra.

Canth - Constant desire; drop by drop; cutting and burning in urethra;

tenesmus during and after; jelly-like; shreddy; bloody; turbid; like mealy water, with white sediment.

Caust - Involuntary when coughing or sneezing and from excitement.

Cina - Turbid, white, milky upon standing; involuntary.

Clematis - Difficult to start; dribbling; great effort to pass a few

drops at a time.

Colch - Scanty, bloody, very dark.

Coloc - Viscid, like glue.

Copaiva - Frequent urging; painful, drop by drop; turbid, acrid

discharge; itching before and after; burning during; urine smells of violet.

Creosot - Incontinence.

Crot - Dark, bloody, albuminous.

Cubeba - Copious, dark, frothy; ropy, smarting, cutting pain while


Dig - Dark, turbid; burning and pain; ammoniacal.

Dulc - Vesical catarrh after taking cold; strangury and pain; thick,

slimy sediment.

Eup-pur - Constant urging with burning and cutting; aching and cutting

pain deep in the kidneys.

Gels - Profuse, clear, limpid, like water.

Hell - Like coffee-grounds, scanty, suppressed.

Hep - Starts slowly; sluggish; greasy pellicle on.

Hyos - Involuntary.

Ign - Profuse, limpid, watery.

Kali-bich - Ropy mucus in urine, clogging up the urethra; pustule and

ulcer on penis, with stitching pain.

Kali-phos - Very yellow.

Lobel - Deep red; copious sediment.

Lyc - Red sand in urine; napkin stained yellowish or reddish; pain in

back before urinating.

Merc-cor - Scanty, suppressed; contains substance like flesh.

Mosch - Copious; hysterical.

Nat-mur - Escapes when laughing, coughing, walking.

Opium - Retained; paralysis of the bladder.

Phos - Thick, turbid, like curdled milk; brick dust; opalescent cuticle

on top.

Rhus - Dark, turbid, with white sediment.

Sec - Suppressed.

Sep - Offensive; pink sediment; closely adherent to vessel; child wets

the bed during first sleep.

Sil - Leucorrhoea while urinating.

Stram - Suppressed.

Tereb - Scanty, bloody, smoky; smells of violent; strangury, with bloody


Thuj - High-colored; strong; severe cutting pain after; sensation as if

water were trickling down he urethra after urinating.

Ver-alb - Green; dysuria; suppression.

Zinc - Scanty; turbid, as if mixed with clay; bladder seems full to

bursting, but can't empty it; must sit down and bed backward to pass even a little.

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