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Acon - Exceedingly restless.

Aeth - Drowsy after vomiting or stool.

Ars - Sleeps with hands over head.

Bapt - Drowsy; goes to sleep before finishing sentence.

Borax - Awakens fro 13113m1223n m sound sleep when put into the crib.

Canth - Disturbed by constant desire to urinate.

Cina - Cries out as if frightened; can hardly go to sleep again.

China - Sleepy, but sleep does not rest him; worse at a. m. Awakens


Cham - Sleepy, but cannot sleep.

Coff - Wide-awake; is so full of schemes, he cannot go to sleep.

Hyos - Sleepless from nervous excitement; picking at bedclothes;

reaching out for things.

Kali-carb - Awakens at 3 or 4 a. m.

Lach - Aggravation of all symptoms after sleep.

Lyc - Hunger awakens him at night.

Nux-vom - Sleepy in early evening; awakens at 3 a. m., goes to sleep

again, gets up in the morning feeling wretched.

Opium - Drowsy, but cannot sleep; kept awake by every noise; stupor;

face livid, hot; lies snoring; like a log. Coma; face pale, eyes glassy, half-closed. Picking of bedclothes during sleep.

Rhus - Restlessness at night, compelling frequent change of position.

Zinc - During sleep cries out; knows nothing of it.

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