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Valeriana officinalis

MEDICINAL: Valerian is a relaxer, and is very effective for insomnia. It is often used as a tranqui 949b12j lizer,

but it leaves no sluggish effects on the user. It is used for nervous tension, pain relieving, strengthening the

heart, lowering blood pressure, IBS, diverticulosis, menstrual cramps, and for muscle spasms. It should

not be taken over a long period of time, as it can cause mental depression in some people after

long-term steady use. It is not habit forming.

RELIGIOUS: Valerian is used to get fighting couples back together, in spells of love, and in purification


GROWING: Valerian is a perennial plant that grows to 3 feet tall. It prefers full sun, and average to rich

well-drained soil. Root cuttings are best for propogation, and once the plants are established, they

self-sow and spread by root runners. Valerian has a similar effect on cats as catnip, so you may need to

protect your patch with chicken wire. Harvest roots for medicinal use in the fall of their second year.

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Accesari: 593
Apreciat: hand-up

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