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How do I schedule projects from Weekly to Daily more efficiently

human resources

How do I schedule projects from Weekly to Daily more efficiently?

When you are creating your weekly plans, remember that to be effective, you will want to go through the entire Weekly Planning Proces 16216v216q s (again, this will take you 60-90 minutes each week). As part of this process, before you create your weekly plans, one of the steps is to review your projects to determine what, if anything, you need to work on that week. When you complete this review, you will write down on your capture section of your weekly plan what portions of specific projects you want to work on (and again, remember to abbreviate your capture: R3 Prjct Finances). Then, when you complete Step 2 of your weekly plan (Create your RPM Master Plan), you will be including any RPM Blocks related to the projects you want to work on this week. Finally, because these projects are now part of your weekly RPM Blocks, they will automatically show up in your daily plans because you are planning your days based on your weekly plans.

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