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SPEECH delia



Hello! My name is Delia as you probably know..J and today I am going to speak to you about education in the past comparing to education in the present.

You know? Last night I had a litt 727p1518h le talk to my parents about education that children were receiving in the past .And you know what I found out? That it was as hard as now and kids were having difficult times. Even difficult than ours because they had no material support and perhaps their parents wouldn't send them to school because they needed them for the jobs around the house.

Even though kids were going to school, they didn't have the possibilities that we have in nowadays . Possibilities like: Internet, T.V., phone, etc. They didn't have any source of finding out interesting things about their world and about the things around them. Imagine how difficult would it be for you to stop watching T.V or to surf the net. That wasn't a problem for kids then because they didn't know about these things. But they didn't know also all the things that we know. Despite all the problems ,education was very hard then. I mean that children were having an enormous respect for their parents. Now we use to say "hi!" to our parents, we treat them like friends, but then kids used to address to their parents like we address to a person which we admire, respect and obey!

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