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What Adam wants to do before he dies:


What Adam wants to do before he dies:

Diving into a body of water with a knife clenched in his teeth
*he wants his entourage to be mobbed and for someone else, NOT him, to sa 414o145e y "There will be no further questions."
*he wanted a skateboard move named after him
*Another one is to walk into a room full of press and before he even gets started, for his security guard to start yelling 'No questions! No questions!' and then adam walk off stage.
*"I want to be someone where i walk into the room and someone needs to remove a cape from me"
*have hands register as a weapon in some state
*have something named after him i.e. sandwhich, karate move, skateboard trick (the carolla kick haha)
*have some part of his body insured
*be kicked out of a casino for winning too much
*recieve a large cardboard check
*Save someone from quicksand
*pointing to a valve underwater (like his watch)
*Doing the 'fist-stop-hold-up' move, then doing the two-fingers-in-the-eye move for 'watch!' then doing the 'move out' hand signal, all silently.

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Accesari: 1269
Apreciat: hand-up

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