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Creating Your Life Plan


Creating Your Life Plan

One of the strategies that makes the RPM system so effective is that the first thing you do when you sit down to create your plan every week is to review what it is that's most important to you in your life (and we'll cover the weekly planning process later in this manual after you understand the concepts in each section!).


·   &nbs 21121l1119v p;   &nbs 21121l1119v p; You'll look at your overall vision and purpose for your life,

·   &nbs 21121l1119v p;   &nbs 21121l1119v p; You'll review all the areas of your life in which you are working to making progress, and

·   &nbs 21121l1119v p;   &nbs 21121l1119v p; You'll remind yourself of your top goals.

From there, you'll actually create your plan for your week. This ensures that you are focused on the big picture of what's important to you before you begin planning your time. Doesn't it make sense that you have to have a plan for your life before you create a plan for your time? And how do you think it will affect your planning if each week you are first reviewing what's important overall in your life?

In this section, we're going to walk you through the steps you can take in order to create this life plan. While it may take you some time to do this, it's important to remember two things:

1.   &nbs 21121l1119v p;  Once you have taken the necessary time to create your vision, you won't need to do it again! While you might want to review and update it periodically (i.e. once every quarter, six months or once per year at a minimum), you will have established a road map for your entire life.

2.   &nbs 21121l1119v p;  This part of the process can be a lot of fun! Remember, you are taking time to do what 99% of the population has not done-decide what it is you want from and for your life! And, you don't need to do it in one sitting. A lot of people will decide to tackle this step by setting aside 2-3 hours per week over the course of 1-2 months to accomplish this.

The one trait that any successful and fulfilled person has cultivated - whether they are great writers, business people, teachers, musicians, educators, artists, parents, politicians, or athletes - is their passion and enthusiasm for life. We all need a compelling vision for our lives - a vision that is so powerful, we are driven to do whatever it takes to drive through the inevitable obstacles to achieve it.

Having a compelling vision for our lives is what gives us a sense of absolute fulfillment and joy and causes us to remember that we are in pursuit of something greater than the current moment. In the end, what makes us truly happy is not so much what we have achieved in our lives, but who we have become in the process. What creates lasting fulfillment is the knowledge that every day we are growing and expanding as people; that our capacity to love and care is deepening; and that our lives have a special and unique purpose on this planet.

So how do you create this compelling vision? Simply put, developing your plan for your life is nothing more than the process of asking and answering some specific questions to decide what it is you want from your life, what your life's about, and who you are committed to becoming in the process.

This is what we will do as we walk you through the steps toward More Fulfillment.

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