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The Power of Focus


The Power of Focus

There are so many things competing for and demanding your focus in life. Thus, if you don't make a conscious effort to control your focus and decide in advance which things you are going to focus on (i.e. wher 121h719b e you're going to put your emotions, time, and energy), you'll live in reaction to the demands of the moment.

Mental Focus: What you pay attention to, think about, picture, and say to yourself.

Very few things in life are absolute. How you feel about things - and even the meaning you attach to a particular experience - is all dependent upon your focus. You can always find something in your life to be unhappy about: just look around, find the areas of your life that don't quite meet your expectations and then focus on them and intensify these feelings. Before you know it, you're upset!

On the other hand, if you focus on what is already great about your life (or what could be great), you can always make yourself feel better immediately.

In fact, whether you are succeeding at what you're doing right now in your career, your personal life, your health, or your relationships is largely a reflection off what you are focusing on in these areas of your life - or if you are even focusing on those areas at all.

Is all your focus on your job at the expense of your personal life?

Or, are you focused on being spiritual, but then not taking care of your body?

Or, are you focused on taking care of everyone else, all of the relationships in your life, but not doing a quality job of taking care of your own emotional well-being?

Or, in your business are you focused on marketing, but not looking at the finances of your business?

Whether you are stressed or fulfilled has little to do what what you're actually doing, or even the results you are producing. If you're stressed, it's a result of where you are putting your focus.

Focus is the ultimate power that can change the way we think, the way we feel, and what we do in any moment. When we change our focus, we change our lives. What we focus on determines the direction in which we move.

The power of the RPM system is that is causes you to consistently focus on what it is you want in life.

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