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What is your Massive Action Plan


What is your Massive Action Plan? What are the specific actions you need to take in order to achieve this result?

MASSIVE ACTION PLAN (MAP): The specific steps or actions that you need to take in order to achieve your desired result or outcome.

Now that you have a clear, specific result or outcome and some compelling reasons, or purpose, to drive you to follow through, you still need a plan to make it happen. The third step in RPM is to develop your Massive Action Plan (MAP). Your MAP is simply the specific steps, or actions, you need to take in order to achieve our result. The beauty of the RPM system is the flexibility your MAP provides!

First, you will discover that there are many ways to achieve a result. And this also means that if one set of actions doesn't work, then another will.

Second, you don't have to accomplish every single action item in your MAP in order to achieve your result. You'll find that most often, a small number of actions make the biggest difference in your ability to achieve your result. This is the 80/20 rule. 20% of what you do in life usually makes 80% of the difference.

Notice how these two principles work in Elvis' Massive Action Plan below.

RESULT OR OUTCOME To lose 20 pounds and enjoy the process of reaching my ideal weight and vitality.

PURPOSE: To feel great about myself. To increase my sense of control over my life. To increase my strength and vitality. To raise my self-esteem and feel sexy. To become the stud-muffin of my wife's dreams.

Now, let's add a Massive Action Plan (or MAP) to Elvis' result and purpose:

Elvis' Massive Action Plan (MAP):

Consult with a nutritionist

Set up a new diet plan with healthful foods

Go shopping for healthful foods

Throw away all the junk food in my house

Research ideal gym to join

Join my ideal gym

Schedule 45 minutes per day to exercise

Take pictures of myself naked to motivate me to change

HINT: Does Elvis need to complete every action on this list to lose 20 pounds and enjoy the process of reaching his ideal weight and vitality? The answer is no. He could simply shop for healthful foods, schedule 45 minutes a day to exercise and make a lot of progress with those two actions alone. And, while this is Elvis' list, are there different actions someone else might take to achieve a similar result?

Now that you understand the three fundamental steps of RPM, you are ready to begin setting up your life plan.

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