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Now that you know what your life is about overall - your ultimate vision, ultimate purpose, identity, and code of conduct - let's start looking at the individual areas (or categories) of your life. 111i824b

Today, the unspoken expectation is that, in order to be a thriving, contributing, happy, and successful member of society, we must be multi-dimensional. We must be able to fulfill multiple roles within our businesses: we must be able to ...

manage and lead,

create effective relationships with other team members,

use technology to communicate,

effectively manage costs, and

work at lightning-like speed to stay ahead of the competition.

Similarly, in our personal lives, we strive to be ...

a loving spouse

an outstanding parent

fit, healthy and strong

an effective financier

a lover

a best friend

a community activist, and

a spiritual being.

In order to ensure that you are making choices that support you, the RPM system provides you with a way to define up front all of the areas of your life that are important to you - and what you want in each area - before you actually create the plan for your time. This way, you are consistently focused on your most important goals in each area of your life so that you can experience balance.

In this section, we will show you how to identify the most important areas in your life -- areas that you are going to continually focus on, measure and improve. These are areas of your life that, if you don't improve, the quality of your life will suffer, and if you do, you'll become more successful and fulfilled than you ever imagined.

To do this, let's first take an honest look at where you stand in some of the areas of your life today.

Categories of Improvement

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