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Your Code of Conduct


Your Code of Conduct

Your Code of Conduct is the collection of standards that you hold yourself to each day no matter what happens.

It's one thing to define your ultimate vision, ultimate purpose, and identity, but it's another thing to make sure that y 444t1916e ou are consistently living these things every day. The idea of a Code of Conduct dates all the way back to Benjamin Franklin, who used to keep a list of all the virtues he was committed to embodying each day. Then, each day, he would check off on a chart which virtues he lived that day and which he did not. This way, over time, he was showing up each day how he truly was committed to being.

To create your Code of Conduct, simply answer the following question:

What emotions, emotional states, or virtues are you committed to practicing and living each day?

Your Values

Your values are the emotions that are most important to you in life. If you have not already decided what you value most in your life, you can follow the following steps to do so.

Ask yourself, "What's most important to me in life?" Then, keep asking, "What else is most important to me in life?" until you run out of answers.

Establish a hierarchy by asking yourself, "What's more important for me to feel: _________ or ______?"

Take one of your values and compare it to every other value on the list by asking this question until you know which is most important: "What's more important for me to feel, _____ or _____?" Do this with every value on the list until their order has been established.

Create rules for each value by asking yourself, "What has to happen in order for me to feel _______ ?" (Ask this several times for each value, as people most often have multiple rules for every value.)

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Accesari: 924
Apreciat: hand-up

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