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Total Commitment To Quality and Customer Satisfaction


Total Commitment To Quality and

Customer Satisfaction

Our principle concern and the key to our success for almost twenty years has been total customer satisfaction. In the fast and ever changing world of 545y241f high technology, we recognize the significance of forging close customer relationship. These relationships ensure our common goals. Therefore, we are continuously challenging ourselves to be a premier supplier.

Special attention is given to provide a reliable, high quality product. In addition, dependable service, competitive prices, prompt delivery and development of new products are all details we perceive as staples in customer care. In 1997, BAFO obtained ISO 9002 certificate confirming our commitment to quality and service. In 1999, we expand our product range through the introduction of our new  Electronics Business Division for developing PC peripheral products.

Our carefully trained staff work as a team, effectively and efficiently servicing our customers. Their continued hard work and dedication instills confidence in BAFO's ability to provide our customers with a product and service second to none.

Chairman & CEO : Peter Chen

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