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Aethusa Cynapium - Fool's Parsley


Aethusa Cynapium - Fool's Parsley.

Indicated in gastro-intestinal diseases of children, with great nervous involvement, violence of all the symptoms and intolerance of milk.

Violence of all the symptoms.

Great heat, without thirst.

Profuse sweating; desires to be covered while sweating.

Linea nasalis; face expresses great anguish.

Remarkable intolerance of milk. As soon as swallowed, it is thrown up in heavy curds.

Diarrhoea, thin, yellow, greenish; stools

contain masses of curdled milk. Stools preceded by colic; followed by exhaustion and drowsiness.

Vomiting with sweating and great anguish.

Drowsiness after vomiting or stool.

Worse in the middle of the afternoon; in the evening; during hot weather.

Better in the open air; when fussed with.

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