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Borax Indicated in diseases of children, especially in aphthous sore mouth, usually accompanied with diarrhoea; here the nervous dread of the downward motion is a reliable indication; Has been highly recommended in epilepsy and membranous dysme



Indicated in diseases of children, especially in aphthous sore mouth, usually accompanied with diarrhoea; here the nervous dread of the downward motion is a reliable indication; Has be 21521v215v en highly recommended in epilepsy and membranous dysmenorrhoea.

Child cannot bear downward motion as in swinging, rocking, being carried downstairs. For the same reason it awakens when fast asleep as soon as the nurse puts it into bed.

Anxious expression of the face; easily frightened; nervous.

Sensitiveness to sudden noises.

Feeling of cobwebs on the face.

Hair rough and frowzy; cannot be combed smooth; gets into snarls; splits; sticks together.

Granulated eye-lids; lashes are gummed together in the morning; eyes are sore and itch in the canthi.

Mouth hot and tender; aphthae: ulcers in the mouth, tender and bleed easily when touched on account of the sore mouth the child refuses to nurse or eat.

Diarrhoea of soft, light yellow, slimy, pappy stools. Diarrhoea of green stools in children.


Leucorrhoea like the white of egg and with a sensation as though there were an escape of warm water.

Worse from downward motion; from sudden noises; in warm weather.

Better from pressure; in the evening; from cold water.

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