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Ranunculus Bulbosus - Buttercup


Ranunculus Bulbosus - Buttercup.

Indicated in rheumatic and neuralgic affections, particularly in diaphragmitis and pleurodynia; in affections of the nerves associated with burning eruptions of the s 23123t1924x kin, as herpes zoster.

Severe sticking and bruised pain in lower ribs, rendering breathing difficult and painful, with sense of great, deep soreness.

Severe sticking pain in different parts of the chest, interfering with breathing, worse from pressure, motion, change of weather.

Sharp, shooting pain, extending to hypochondria and back.

Herpes; vesicles are filled with bluish-black serum and follow the course of the nerves; accompanied with severe burning and itching.

Worse from sudden change of temperature, from damp weather.

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