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Veratrum Album - White Hellebore


Veratrum Album - White Hellebore.

Indicated in conditions tending to collapse, as in choleric states; this tendency, less marked, is present also in other conditions, as in cough (bronchitis, croup, whooping co 10110m123k ugh), dysmenorrhoea, cardiac weakness, etc., so exhausting the patient that the body becomes cold and the forehead is covered with cold sweat. The same coldness and exhaustion occur in the fever group and render it a valuable remedy in cases of congestive and pernicious fevers.

Extreme weakness; too weak to hold the head up.

Extreme coldness of the body.

Cold sweat on the forehead.

Hippocratic face, pinched nose, and other symptoms of approaching collapse.

Face flushed when lying down; upon rising, it turns deathly pale, with great weakness of the pulse, cold sweat, etc. (cardiac disease).

Violent, profuse vomiting and purging at the same time.

Diarrhoea; watery, gushing, profuse, worse at night, with weakness and emptiness in the bowels; flaky; followed by great prostration.

Cutting pain in the abdomen, as from knives. Abdomen sensitive, swollen.

Frightful colic, beginning in the stomach, involving the entire abdomen and radiating into the shoulder, with retching, vomiting, coldness and collapse.

Dysuria; urine green; suppression of urine.

Dysmenorrhoea with vomiting, diarrhoea, cold sweat, collapse.

Worse from wet, cold weather.

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