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Hepar Sulphuris - Hahnemann's Calcium Sulphide


Hepar Sulphuris - Hahnemann's Calcium Sulphide.

Indicated in a wide range of diseases affecting the respiratory and intestinal mucous membrane, glandular system and skin, characterized by great sensitiveness to dra 20520e415u ught, easy perspiration and ready suppuration of the affected parts. In scrofulous affections, including those of the eye and ear; sore throat; tonsillitis on the point of suppuration; cough, including the late stages of bronchitis and pneumonia; suppurative affections of the skin, as felons; hip-joint disease with suppuration; bad-smelling eruptions, etc.

Great sensitiveness to cold air; takes cold easily; coughs from the slightest exposure; relapse from every exposure.

Croupy, strangling, violent, retching cough, excited by uncovering; often ends in vomiting.

Throat feels sore; as though a plug were in it; with desire to swallow.

Throat feels as though a sliver or fish-bone were in it, with stitching pain from ear to ear.

Raw, sore throat, worse from swallowing solid food.

Nose sore, ulcerated; smell like old cheese.

Sluggish action of the bowels; stools sour, white, clay-colored, fetid; though soft, they are passed slowly and with considerable effort.

Diarrhoea of children; child smells sour.

Skin unhealthy, covered with pustules; abscesses; very sensitive to slightest touch; skin sore as though bruised; suppuration from slightest injury.

Hands and feet crack and ulcerate easily; with burning, throbbing, gnawing pain. Warts become inflamed, with stitching pain in them.

Sluggish stream of urine; starts slowly; greasy pellicle on urine.

Longing for acids, wine, strong food.

Worse from cold, draught, touch of the affected parts, from lying on painful side.

Better from warmth, from damp weather; after eating.

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