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Phytolacca - Poke-Root


Phytolacca - Poke-Root.

Indicated in sore throat, chiefly diphtheria, with grayish deposit and abundant tough, sticky mucus; chronic rheumatism, especially in the hip and thigh, worse from any change in the wea 757j922h ther; bone pains (syphilis). Useful in mastitis.

Throat dark red, purplish; soft palate and tonsils swollen; feeling of a lump in the throat.

Throat covered with grayish-white pseudo-membrane.

Swallowing difficult, accompanied with intense pain extending into and through the ears; cannot swallow hot drinks.

Throat and mouth filled with thick, tenacious, ropy mucus, which it is almost impossible to dislodge; it sometimes runs out of the mouth in long tenacious strings, difficult to remove.

Great hardness and sensitiveness of the mamae; cracks in the nipples; sore places around the nipple; nursing causes intense pain radiating from the nipple to other parts.

Pain in the extremities, burning, lancinating, shooting, like electric shocks, changing location often.

Boils and carbuncles, with burning pain in them; worse at night; glandular swellings.

Worse during rain; from damp; cold weather; at night; from motion.

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