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Allium Cepa - Red Onion


Allium Cepa - Red Onion

Indicated in coryza, with hoarseness, acrid discharge from the nose and harsh, splitting cough. 646j92g

Catarrhal headache, chiefly frontal, worse in the warm room, toward evening.

Eyes sore, smarting, sensitive to light; lachrymation.

Sneezing when entering a warm room.

Copious, watery and exceedingly acrid nasal discharge.

Tickling in the larynx, with hacking cough upon inspiring cold air.

Tightness in the throat and oppressed breathing.

Violent cough, with the sensation as though the larynx would split to pieces; croupy cough.

Intense pain in the back of the neck.

Derangements of appetite incidental to having a cold, with strong craving for raw onions.

Worse in a warm room, in the evening.

Better in a cool room; in the open air.

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