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Carbo Vegetabilis - Vegetable Charcoal


Carbo Vegetabilis - Vegetable Charcoal.

Indicated in condition of great debility, in the aged; in those who are recovering imperfectly from a severe illness (China, Phos. ac.). being unable to rally; state of collapse, as in cholera and typhoid fever; in coughs with great fetor of expectoration; asthma; in foul, old ulcers, carbuncles; gastric and intestinal complaints with much flatulency.

Face cold, hippocratic; everything pressing from the head, even the hat feels heavy. Headache from every indiscretion.

Great wish to be fanned constantly.

Burning pain in different parts.

Coldness, with thirst.

Weak digestion; stomach full of gas, with oppression; better from belching.

Burning in stomach, extending to back and spine. Contractive pains in stomach, extending into chest, with abdominal distension.

Eructations of sour, rancid substance; water-brash.

Putrid changes in the food before it digests.

Intestinal colic; from flatulency.

Diarrhoea, often involuntary, of cadaverous-smelling stools, followed by burning in the rectum and trembling weakness.

Hoarseness in the evening; rawness in the chest; cough with burning in the chest.

Asthma; breath cold; wants to be fanned, in the aged.

Cough with very fetid expectoration; after neglected pneumonia; with burning in chest; in the aged.

Thick, greenish leucorrhoea before menstruation.

Itching of the skin; indolent, old ulcers with ichorous discharge and burning pain; carbuncles.

Worse in the evening, before midnight; from eating fats, as butter, pork.

Better from eructations; after sleep.

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