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Clematis - Virgin's Bower


Clematis - Virgin's Bower.

Indicated in neuralgia, in affections resulting from suppressed gonorrhoea, inflammation and induration of gla 24524w221y nds (testicles); in some form of eczema; in rheumatic affections of persons subject to perpetic eruptions.

Confused headache, with tearing pain in the brain and boring pain in the bones of the head.

Eyes dry, red, hot; biting, burning pain; pain in the middle of the eyeball; lachrymation; sensitive to cold air (used in syphiliticiris).

Itching of the scalp; eczema, especially on the occiput and on hands; worse from warmth of bed.

Swelling of inguinal glands, with soreness to touch.

Drawing and tension in the spermatic cord.

Vesical irritation: painful voiding of urine, especially when starting it; great effort in passing a few drops at a time (stricture); dribbling.

Testicles swollen and very sensitive; bruised pain in testicles, worse at night, in the warm bed; orchitis from suppressed gonorrhoea.

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