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Crocus Sativa - Saffron Indicated in black, stringy haemorrhages in hysterical conditions; chorea


Crocus Sativa - Saffron

Indicated in black, stringy haemorrhages in hysterical conditions; chorea.

Mind vacillating, constantly changing; confused; incoherent.

Biting pain in the eyes as 727o144h if from smoke; eyes water, especially in the open air; dimness, as though a veil were between the eyes and the light.

Sensation as of a ball rolling about in the abdomen; as if something living were jumping about in the pit of the stomach, in the abdomen and in other parts (hysteria, chorea).

Haemorrhage, dark, stringy; from the nose, uterus (on slightest movement), from lungs with drops of cold sweat on the head. On raising a clot of the blood, long strings hand down from it. "It has removed the disposition to miscarriage associated with an unnatural sensation of worms in the abdomen, or of something dead and heavy" (T. F. Allen).

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