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Crotalus Horridus - Rattlesnake Venom


Crotalus Horridus - Rattlesnake Venom.

Indicated in low septic conditions, with expressions of general physical depravity; disorganization of the blood, refusing to form clots; jaundice with great prostration. Most useful in all fevers of a malignant type, as yellow fever, malignant scarlet fever, haemorrhagic measles, malarial fevers of tropical countries. Also in typhus, cerebro-spinal meningitis, diphtheria with oozing of blood from the orifices (mouth and anus); ulcerations of the stomach; jaundice with dark, scanty urine and oozing of blood from the rectum; haemorrhage from the kidneys after scarlet fever.

Mind clouded; face swollen, besotted; anxious, apprehensive; speech confused; answers disconnectedly; skin cold; pulse thready.

Tongue dry, cracked brown in the middle, bright red on the edges.

Skin sallow, yellow, jaundiced; boils and carbuncles, with purplish areola; skin blackish, mottled all over; haemorrhagic.

Eyes yellow, sensitive to artificial light; vision dim.

Occipital headache, with vertigo; soreness in the back of the head.

Dryness of lips and throat, without thirst.

Urine dark, bloody, albuminous.

Sticking pain in the stomach, with sense of pressure and intolerance of anything tight (clothing) about the stomach or hypochondria.

Weight, faintness and sinking at the epigastrium, with inability to retain anything in the stomach; vomiting of bile.

Abdomen swollen; very sensitive to pressure and touch.

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