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Gelsemium - Yellow Jessamine Indicated in fevers of malarial, catarrhal or eruptive character, with shivering; fever without thirst; unwillingness to be disturbed; sense of paralytic weakness in the limbs


Gelsemium - Yellow Jessamine

Indicated in fevers of malarial, catarrhal or eruptive character, with shivering; fever without thirst; unwillingness to be disturbed; sense of paralytic weakness in the limbs. In catarrh 939u2011j al conditions, including hay fever and la grippe, with watery discharge, dullness of head, dizziness, chilliness, and neuralgia, and hysteria, passing off with the appearance of frequent and copious emissions of limpid urine. Diarrhoea from fright. Cerebro-spinal meningitis. Headaches with moderate vertigo. Post-diphtheritic paralysis of the throat.

Lassitude, weariness, indifference.

Countenance livid and stupid; hot.

Fever without thirst; wants to be let alone.

Trembling, paralytic weakness of the muscles, especially of the legs.

Pulse soft, weak, fluttering, causing him anxiety and apprehension.

Drooping of eyelids; paralysis of oculo-motors; paralytic condition of tongue, glottis, epiglottis, respiratory muscles, extremities.

Sense of contraction of the skin and muscles of the face.

Headache, with vertigo and dimness of vision; tongue feels thick and numb; in occiput, with feeling as of a band around the occiput.

Headache, beginning in the neck, extending upward into forehead and eye-balls; better from profuse urination.

Orbital neuralgia, with muscular twitchings.

Acute coryza, with copious, slightly irritating, watery discharge, dull headache, shivering and fever.

Diarrhoea, caused and aggravated by excitement, by bad news, from stage fright; stools watery, painless, cream-colored; involuntary from paralysis of sphincter ani.

Chill without thirst, especially along spine, running up and down the back as though in waves; goose-flesh all over; with much muscular soreness.

Urine profuse, clear, limpid, like water.

Worse in damp; from mental excitement; from bad news; before thunder-storm; from tobacco.

Better from open air; after profusely urinating; from continued moderate motion; from stimulants.

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