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Sulphuric Acid - Acidum Sulphuricum Indicated in adynamic conditions with haemorrhagic tendency, sense of general trembling, craving for, and intolerance of stimulants; specially in typhoid fever and in diphtheria with very copious exudation


Sulphuric Acid - Acidum Sulphuricum

Indicated in adynamic conditions with haemorrhagic tendency, sense of general trembling, craving for, and intolerance of stimulants; specially in 929q168j typhoid fever and in diphtheria with very copious exudation. Valuable in vomiting, particularly of old topers. "Sour" odor of the breath and of the body of the patient is characteristic.

Extreme exhaustion, with sensation of trembling weakness all over, without trembling.

Sensation as if brain were loose in the forehead and falling from side to side.

Is in great hurry; everything must be done quickly; cannot wait.

Gums bleed easily; aphthae in the mouth.

Petechiae; purpura haemorrhagica; haemorrhage of black blood from the outlets of the body.

Vomiting of food and drink, with craving for stimulants; breath smells sour.

Diarrhoea; stools very fetid; of yellow mucus, like chopped egg; sour odor of the body.

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