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Glonoine - Nitro-Glycerin


Glonoine - Nitro-Glycerin.

Indicated in cerebral hyperaemia and violent congestion. Important in congestive headaches (from exposure to the stun, from suppression of menses); in apoplectic states; meningitis. Palpitation and embarrassment of the heart. In physiological doses used in asthma, angina pectoris, failure of circulation.

Head feels enormously enlarged.

Headache worse from stooping; after exposure to the sun.

Heavy headache; intense crushing, pulsating, throbbing.

Cannot bear any heat about the head.

Pulse beats hard; every heat is felt in the head; must hold the head with both hands; it seems as though the head would burst from the pressure within; it jars painfully at every step;

Heart's action labored, oppressed, from rush of blood to the heart; violent palpitations; throbbing of the carotids.

Worse in the sunlight, in gaslight; from overheating, from motion, from jar.

Better from brandy.

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