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Helleborus Niger - Black Hellebore


Helleborus Niger - Black Hellebore.

Indicated in serious states where the vitality is very low and there is absolute lack of reaction; serous effusion in different part 939m1210j s of the boyd, especially cerebral effusion (tubercular meningitis, hydrocephalus, hydrothorax, dropsy from renal disease); in typhoid fever.

Motion of the jaws as if chewing something.

Wrinkled forehead, covered with cold sweat.

Urine scanty, looking like coffee grounds; suppressed.

Stupefaction; bluntness of sensibility; vision unimpaired, yet does not see; hearing all right, yet does not hear or comprehend; remembers nothing that has happened; has no interest in anything; sleeps lightly; has no will or strength to do anything.

Rolling of the head on the pillow, from sided to side; screaming.

Eye-balls turned upward; wide open; squinting.

Great thirst; drinks water greedily.

Fetid odor from the mouth; dropping of the lower jaw; picking of lips; ptyalism.

Gurgling in the abdomen, as though full of water.

Stools like jelly; involuntary.

Automatic motion of one arm and one leg.

Worse from evening until morning; from uncovering.

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