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Cimifuga (Actaea Racemosa) - Black Cohosh


Cimifuga (Actaea Racemosa) - Black Cohosh.

Indicated in muscular rheumatism; in uterine and ovarian disease; in neurotic conditions.

Restless; sleepless; depressed. "A great cloud presses upon her brain and heart."

Headache with severe pain in the eyeballs; with faintness and sinking at the stomach, especially in women suffering from uterine and menstrual disorders.

Headache as though due to protracted loss of sleep or overstudy; with a feeling as though the brain were too large for the skull.

Headaches as though the top of the head would fly off, especially upon going up-stairs, the pain entering the eyeballs.

Intense aching pain in the eyeballs.

Spine sensitive, especially the upper spine; the neck and back feel stiff and constricted.

Rheumatic pains in the belly of the (larger) muscles.

Pains of neuralgic, pressing character; remittent; with restlessness, exhaustion and sense of bing bruised all over.

Pains come on suddenly, resembling a sharp electric shock; chiefly on the left side.

Muscular sorenss all over; feels as though bruised.

Menstrual and uterine derangements, with sharp, shooting pain from side to side; pains labor-like; neuralgic; extending into legs and with reflex gastric symptoms (faintness and goneness at the stomach).

Copious dark, clotted menstrual flow, with great mental depression, restlessness, backache and prickling in the breasts.

Pains, especially in women, across the pelvis from hip to hip.

Worse during menstruation.

Better from eating, from warmth, from stimulants.

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