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Cina - Worm-Seed


Cina - Worm-Seed.

Indicated chiefly in children suffering from symptoms which suggest the presence of worms.

Child is very cross and irritable.

Screams out in slee 555q1611f p, as though frightened; can hardly be made to go to sleep again; gritting of teeth during sleep.

Does not want to be touched or carried.

Nose itches; child rubs it constantly, pokes into it and fusses with it until it bleeds.

Mouth pale, bluish; blue circles under the eyes; face looks sickly.

Appetite extremely variable; refuses common food and craves all kinds of "stuff;" faintness in stomach and belly.

Great craving for sweets.

Abdomen hot; sore above the navel; colicky pain, better from pressure.

Itching at the anus, almost intolerable, relieved by cool water.

Urine turbid, white, milky upon standing.

Involuntary escape of urine.

Attacks of fever, with cold face and hot hands.

Twitching of the muscles of the face.

Worse at night; from looking fixedly at any object.

Better from pressure (colic), from cool water.

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