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Stannum - Tin


Stannum - Tin.

Indicated in coughs, chiefly chronic, with abundant expectoration and feeling of great weakness in the throat and chest. In neuralgia (headache about the eyes, intes 11511v214l tinal, intercostal); in troubles due to worms, and occasionally in nervous affections with twitching of muscles and paralytic weakness.

Hopelessly discouraged; extreme mental and bodily exhaustion.

Pain constrictive, as though from a tight band; gradually increases and decreases in the same manner; "twelve hours comming, twelve hours in going"; (headache, neuralgia).

All-gone feeling in the stomach.

Spasmodic twitching in forearm and hands, making him drop things; paralytic weakness.

Weakness of the legs; they give out.

Cough deep, hoarse, hollow, violent, concussive; excited by the use of the voice; with great weakness in throat and chest; oppressive breathing; pain in the pit of the stomach when coughing.

Copious expectoration, tasting salty or sweetish.

Colic better from hard pressure over chair or table; in children from being carried over the shoulder.

Stools papescent, thin, with creeping chills.

Urging, with passage of worm-like mucous threads.

Worse from using the voice; from lying on the right side; from moving.

Better from coughing and raising; from hard pressure.

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