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Here is an example of the fascinating wave form the frequencies make


Here is an example of the fascinating wave form the frequencies make. Keep in mind that each file will be different. I found it very cool because of the intricacy of the patterns, perfectly formed and balanced 20420l1112u . I haven't seen that in vocal or musical expressions.

This is the Happiness Age Regression file. Here you can see the time zoom resolution (the little box on the right directly under the white area of the wave window) is 1:16,384 - as compressed as it will get, since this is the entire file. In most sound files, there is a distinct waveform present.

FYI - Time Zoom Resolution indicates the number of samples of data represented by each point on the screen horizontally. This determines the length of time shown in the waveform display. With a small resolution value (1:1, 1:2, 1:4, ...), a shorter length of time is displayed.

Here is Happiness Age Regression at 1:4 - at less than 0.10 seconds into the sound.

At 1:2, at the same time interval.


And now here we are at 14.85 seconds

And at 23.875 seconds. Spirograph, anyone?

Click to stretch the width of the data window to fit within the Sound Forge workspace.

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