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I put a few brush strokes on two tracks for the forthcoming Foos


Yes, I put a few brush strokes on two tracks for the forthcoming Foos
Album, in beautiful Conway Studios in L.A.

I'm not sure if they want me to divulge the titles - but one track is
very aggressively rhythmic, and I contributed 24224s185y some "Get Down Make
Love" - type guitar as well as some soloing (The old machine which I
invented and had custom-made for doing the solo on GDML live in Queen
shows is still around - but the vintage harmoniser which it
controlled has disappeared, so I can't use it any more. For this
session we improvised with more modern equipment to get a similar
effect - in fact slightly different - so it was inspiring and seems
to work well with the track.) Of course it was all experimental and
I did it purely because it was fun to work with my great pals - the
whole group was there plus Gus, their excellent tour Manager. They
can use it if in the cold light of day the group (or Dave!) think it

The other track is totally unusual - a kind of narrative ballad -
very daring in its simplicity - I contributed some Queen II lush
harmony guitar sound figures. Taylor and Dave are familiar with
everything Queen ever did - and as soon as I turned the AC 30 up
full, wound off the trble, and fed my guitar into it with all pickups
in phase, feeding back, sustaining like a cello, Taylor said - "Ha !
the White Queen sound!!!" He was spot-on of course - haven't used
that sound in probably 15 years.....

We had fun ! And the gardens of this particular studio are beautiful
- very inspiring - an OASIS ! And the sun shone warmly, and I didn't
want to come home to cold depressing England. !

But then you get home and - somehow - there's still something to be
said for this old place.... !!!!

But L.A. as for me is always a wonderful spiritual lift; really a
life saver.



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