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Saltriver is a new and exciting alternative rock band from Bulgaria. Diversity is the key word to describe the unique music style and sound of the band. Saltriver was formed by musicians that knew each other from previous projects; Ivan Gatev - vocals ,Peter Iliev - guitar , Emerih Ambil - guitar ,Smilen Slavsh 14414i810o tenski - bass and "Mozi" on drums were the founding members of Saltriver in the autumn of 2005. The band recorded four songs in the spring of 2006: "9" ,"Bitter half of me" ,"Nightman" ,"Hey" (those two entered the playlist and "Nightman stayed in the top 40 chart for eight months reaching number 2).Shortly after that "Mozi" left the band and they struggled to find a drummer for a while that led to missing some good opportunities and slowing down some recording sessions. Saltriver found a replacement drummer for the "Tangra Mega Live" festival and that was their only show in the summer of 2006.As it turned out this was for a reason because the band found the perfect drummer for them in the face of Teodor Obretenov - "Tosho". He joined the band in the autumn of 2006 and his debut gig with Saltriver actually was their first birthday show in a Sofia club. With their new drummer Saltriver recorded three songs in the end of 2006: "Wicked Mind", "Why" and a new version of "9". Things started to look up for Saltriver but they still needed the heavy airplay in the local radios necessary for a young band to make it. That came with recording the "Mr. Scarecrow" EP (Mr. Scarecrow, Meaningless ,Time's Square) with the title song becoming a hit for the alternative rock fans and "Meaningless" always a live show favourite. Actually it's Saltriver's live performances that generated fans interest at the beginning. Exhaustingly long and energetic their stage acts leave no one standing. Saltriver are now concentrating on some new songs, shooting a video for "Mr. Scarecrow" and hopefully an album by the end of the year. The band has a lot of energy and are rapidly getting better at what they do. Saltriver had faced difficulties financing their recordings and they still lack a record deal but they have done a good job in producing their own music so far .From now on it's a matter of attracting the record labels attention and releasing a successful album. And remember, vote for us:

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