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Somewhere in La-La Land...


Somewhere in La-La Land...

"Exit light
Enter night
Take my hand
Off to <the magical La-La> land." - Enter Sandman, Metallica

Slight alteration to the already famous Metallica lyrics as the shadow of night sets down over my room. A shroud of darkness engulfs me g 22422b11w ently whilst it seems that the only safe enlightened haven remains the wall in front of me! I strive to keep my eyes open and focused on that minute yet hopeful patch of concrete! The bed feels cozy and warm while I let my hands loose! The pillow appears weightless as my head feels no strain and sinks in! And in this mixture of emotions, I tuck myself in harder and, for a second, it seems like this could be it... He is trying hard to put me to sleep! Nevertheless, I struggle to keep Him busy! My eyes open back up for one last time, yet as the light in the room seems to dwindle away into ether, I at last succumb to the insatiable desire for sleep and He wins me over...

Eyes shut and the journey begins... I keep cursing for a while that I couldn't be more enduring, that He took me so effortlessly. However, shortly afterwards, all my cares begin to vanish... I begin to... float! A very bizarre, yet, somehow, familiar feeling! At first, I begin to see mere flashes of white light. Such a change of scenery... Shade turned to radiance! Annoyance turned to delight! Confusion turned to security! I feel... absorbed! The flashes of light dissipate and get replaced by nebulas of an insurmountable spectrum of colors. Star dust... In the end, I see everything reorganized and I reach that fabled place you never recall of when sleep takes over you - La-La Land.

An overwhelmingly beautiful, enchanting and entrancing even, place! As I first lay eyes on this surreal location, I begin to feel its power! Every random thought I have begins to get vivified and dazzle me in an extravagant artistic display of images and emotions... I see my parents, I see my friends, I see strawberries and chocolate, I see my once broken heart and knee, I see every person I've ever met... The more I think, the more I see, until...I see thee !

I begin to quake and shiver as a tear gently begins to roll down my left cheek and traverse my face. My wobbly knees can barely support my weight until your soft affectionate hand touches my visage and scrapes the tear off. I feel a shiver throughout my body. I stand tall and stop trembling for a second and look into your eyes - beautiful and filled with such passion and glee staring back at me with their bluish-green sparkle -. I pick myself up from the amazement abyss and find the audacity to raise my hand... My fingers softly trace through your silky fair hair while gently caressing your head. My mind clears and the main thought that remains in my head is you and the daunting image of your lasting beauty. Visual metaphors of all the inner happiness and joy, everything I know, knew or experienced of you start trailing all throughout my La-La Land. Neither of us cares. You look at me. Calmly, you place your palm on the side of my face again, while my head moves towards it somewhat. You smile slightly. I notice. I smile back. My eyes sink into the ground shortly in the fear, conviction or realization that this is just a dream and that none is real. Lukewarm waters begin to sink my feet into sandy soil while the tide batters my ankles. Soft winds begin to blow and your hair wildly moves through thin air bestowing your entire being in front of me. I lift my sight again losing interest in the idea of a dream and devoting myself to you! You smile again. I blink once and as the draft begins to blaze both our faces gently, I approach you. Your hand on my face keeps my heart pumping and gives me all the oomph I need to keep everything alive. I play with my lips continuously, whilst still glancing deep into your eyes. Your look is soft and soothing... Getting closer to each other, we both close our eyes and...

Sleep ends abruptly as my alarm clock instantly makes me jump out of trance and subsequently bed! I pick it up and throw it away as far as my still drowsy hands can - about as far as a baby's frail shove - and try to go back to sleep... I don't recall much... But an image is in my mind for some reason still. I can just tell the irresistible beauty, but the identity eludes me. Faded dreams...

*He will come back this night again! His job is to get you there. You don't know it, but He does his job consciously and He never misses one sleepy being. Mythical Sandman...*

Give in

Greedy, avid





Vigor, energy

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