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Wireless Electricity Of Nikola Tesla


Wireless Electricity Of Nikola Tesla Melvin D. Saunders

Nikola Tesla and wireless electricity, One of Nikola Tesla  's creative alternatives. Nikola Tesla, Wireless Electricity, sustainable energy

........If a single one-megaton nuclear warhead were exploded 300 miles over the center 535i810f of the country, a high-voltage

electromagnetic pulse would in theory disrupt communication and electrical systems all over the continental U.S.

Gamma rays emitted by such an explosion would instantly strip away the electrons from air molecules in the upper

atmosphere in roughly a circular, pancake-shaped zone. The free electrons would then accelerate radially with the

earth's magnetic field, separating from the heavier, positively charged ions and creating a downward directed

high-voltage electromagnetic pulse. This in turn results in electrical surges in all exposed conductors on the ground.

........When Nikola Tesla discovered alternating current (AC) electricity, he had great difficulty convincing men of his

time to believe in it. Thomas Edison was in favor of direct current (DC) electricity and opposed AC electricity

strenuously. Tesla eventually sold his rights to his alternating current patents to George Westinghouse for

After paying off his investors, Tesla spent his remaining funds on his other inventions and culminated his

efforts in a major breakthrough in 1899 at Colorado Springs by transmitting 100 million volts of high-frequency

electric power wirelessly over a distance of 26 miles at which he lit up a bank of 200 light bulbs and ran one electric

motor! With this souped up version of his Tesla coil, Tesla claimed that only 5% of the transmitted energy was lost in

the process. But broke of funds again, he looked for investors to back his project of broadcasting electric power in

almost unlimited amounts to any point on the globe. The method he would use to produce this wireless power was to

employ the earth's own resonance with its specific vibrational frequency to conduct AC electricity via a large electric

oscillator. When J.P. Morgan agreed to underwrite Tesla's project, a strange structure was begun and almost

completed near Wardenclyffe in Long Island, N.Y. Looking like a huge lattice-like, wooden oil derrick with a

mushroom cap, it had a total height of 200 feet. Then suddenly, Morgan withdrew his support to the project in 1906,

and eventually the structure was dynamited and brought down in 1917.

........A Tesla coil is a special transformer that can take the 110 volt electricity from your house and convert it rapidly

to a great deal of high-voltage, high-frequency, low-amperage power. The high-frequency output of even a small Tesla

coil can light up fluorescent tubes held several feet away without any wire connections. Even a large number of spent

or discarded fluorescent tubes (their burned out cathodes are irrelevant) will light up if hung near a long wire running

from a Tesla coil while using less than 100 watts drawn by the coil itself when plugged into an electrical outlet! Since

the Tesla coil steps up the voltage to such a high degree, the alternating oscillations achieve sufficient excitations

within the tubes of gases to produce lighting at a minimal expense of original power! Fluorescent tubes can be held

under high-tension wires to produce the same lighting up effect. Remember the farmer a few years ago who was

caught with an adaptive transformer under a set of high tension lines that ran over his property? Through the air, he

pulled down all the power he needed to run his farm without using any connecting apparatus to the lines overhead!

Any electrical engineer with the proper materials can do the same thing.

........Incandescent bulbs burn high resistance filaments that gobble up energy. Fluorescent tubes burn filaments

(cathodes) to create an electrical flow that sets their internal phosphorus coatings aglow. Using a Tesla coil, high

voltage AC can light up glass-enclosed vacuum bulbs coolly without any gases inside them at all! Any number of cold

light bulbs can be lit using only one Tesla coil, and since there is nothing inside them to burn out, they can last

indefinitely. It seems like a low cost form of street lighting, doesn't it?

........When Tesla was determining the resonant frequencies of the earth to potentially transmit unlimited electric

power, he also recognized frequencies that acted as a damping field to nullify electric power. With the advent of the

wireless and Tesla's unique investigations into broadcasting electricity, a dozen or more inventors thereafter

announced their own means for transmitting electrical energy without wires. One British inventor, H.

Grindell-Matthews, actually demonstrated his "mystery ray" apparatus in 1924 to a Popular Science Monthly writer

in London (See: Pop. Sci. Monthly, Aug. 1924, P. 33). When his beam was directed toward the magneto system of a

gasoline engine, it stopped the system. Afterwards, it ignited gun powder, lit an electric lamp bulb from a distance

and killed a mouse in seconds! Grindell-Matthews said the secret was involved with the "carrier beam" he used to

conduct a high-voltage, low-frequency electrical current. During 1936, Guglielmo Marconi experimented with

extremely low frequency (ELF) waves and displayed their exceptional ability to penetrate metallic shielding. These

waves could affect electrical devices, overload circuits and cause machines like generators, electric motors and

automobiles to stall. Diesel engines, which do not rely on electrical ignition, were not affected. Mysteriously,

Marconi's research on the subject was never found after the war.

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