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Occupations, At Work, Congresses and Conferences


Occupations, At Work, Congresses and Conferences

When I was a child I have a lot of different interests. First I wanted to be a firemen. I liked dangerous adventures during his work and save people. When I attend basic school I changed my mind and I decided to be a doctor. I wanted to heal and help people. But when I got my first computer everything was changed and I began to take interest in computer technics. I don't like to memorize anything and I found out that to be a doctor it is necessary to have very good memory. I started to attend Technical school of electric. At university I chose studying power electronics and electric drives and now I am 11311m1219l studying this branch in PhD program. Electrical engineering is not bad occupation for me. I have a good technical and logical mind so I have good possibilities for use in this branch. I would like to work in friendly collective, with salary appropriate to my knowledge. This occupation has some disadvantages. For example people must work very hard and if you want to earn more money so you will have to work late. When you come home so you are very tired. I see it on my father who comes home during weekdays at 7 o'clock pm. It is disadvantage in respect to occupation where you finish work at 2 o'clock pm. I mean especially work-hands, I know that they have to work hard too but when they finish working so they have free time and they don't worry about work in their job. But if you have to use your brain during work so when you come home you will be thinking about problems in your occupation. I have a few friends who work as work-hand so I see difference between them and for example my father. I must say that I like work in research like this time. I am interested in modern methods in science but in the future I plan to work as engineer or businessman in a company, which deals with control systems or computer science. In my region there is limited job opportunities because of high unemployment. Around Ostrava there is mainly heavy industry. There is Mining, which is prospering at this time because of high demand for the coal for iron and steel works. On the other hand iron industry has a lot of problems. It's passes through complicated restructualization. Due to this operation a lot of people must leave the factories and go to the employment office. Some people can find there other job. It mainly depends on knowledge, heath, sex and the age of person (expectants). If I must I will leave this region to comeback in better times but I don't want to do it. I am a bit conservative. Here I have many really good friends and of course my family have house there so when I move out I will have to invest in new housing much more money. It is my opinion but I don't know maybe I'll change my mind. 

RMFGE 7. My future career str. 19


found out zjistit

occupation okjupejsn zaměstnání

work-hand nebo hand worker

oportunity přílezitost occasion

expectant ikspektent uchazeč (o místo)

Working hours are often flexible.

11. Occupations, At Work, Congresses and Conferences

Before speaking about job market it is necessary to give some information about our economy. Our economy was based, mainly on heavy industry, on coal, iron and steel. In 1990 the new government announced a privatisation programme and programme designed to improve economic. Our traditional industries, such as coal, steel are experiencing serious decline. We need an open economy in which international trade plays a vitl part. The government tries to encourage new investment from European countries and from overseas. It is sure that employment in the traditionally industries will decline. Now the unemployment rate is quite high and we still wait a sharp in manufacturing industry.

A five-day week is worked in this country and the employment of children is prohibited. The great majority of the working population works for a salary but some people are employers or self-employed. The pay packet contains a slip with several figures. From these figures the employee can check the size of his gross earnings and his net earnings. It is possible to receive the earnings straight into the employee's bank account. Salaries are not based on the qualification, length of experience and the social importance of the work. The average earnings of manual workers are higher than those of non-manual workers, but situation is getting better I think.

Unemployment is quite high. If I look at a newspaper I can find advertisements in which firms offer jobs. Secretaries, administrative assistants, marketing specialists, shop assistant etc. .. People with university degree, good organisational talent and knowledge of foreign language should have no problems in looking for a job. But nearly all these offers are in Prague and the unemployed are in north Moravia, north Bohemia. They are former (fóme) miners, workers from   steelworks and often they are workers without any qualification.

Everybody who can't find a job goes to the Employment Service in his region. People who work in thy Employment Service try to help him, try to find a convenient (satisfactory) job for him and if it is impossible he is given unemployment benefit.

Choosing one's career is an important step in everybody's life. Most children have only vague (veig) ideals of what they want to be. Boys usually dream of becoming pilots, drivers .. girls, on the other hand, would like to become actresses, singers, hair stylists, teachers. Only a very few have a definite (definit) idea of their future careers.

For me a job should be interesting (no routine), creative, with suitable working hours, with nice friendly colleagues.

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