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Cranberry-Chive Butter


Cranberry-Chive Butter

1 cup unsalted butter (250ml)
¼ cup fresh cranberries (60ml)
¼ cup chopped chives (60ml)
1 shallot chopped fine
salt and pepper to taste

Pick over some fresh 454i820e cranberries, discarding the ones not ripe. Place in a pot of boiling water for 3 minutes. Once cooked, remove from water, strain into a bowl and set aside to cool.

Finely dice shallots and add to a second pot of boiling water for one minute. Once cooked, remove from water, strain into a bowl and set aside to cool.

To a blender add room temperature unsalted butter and cooled cranberries. Blitz for a few seconds leaving the cranberries slightly chunky. Place mixture into a bowl. Add cooled shallots, chives, salt & pepper. Stir to combine. Next, roll the butter in plastic wrap to create a sausage shape. Twist the ends and then into the refrigerator overnight.

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