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Dry Rub for Barbequed Chicken


Dry Rub for Barbequed Chicken

1/2 c Paprika -ground

1/4 c Brown sugar 1 tb Celery salt

1/8 c Salt 1 tb Onion powder

1/8 c Garlic powder 1 tb Pepper, black, fresh ground

1/8 c Dried chipotles peppers 1 tb Chimayo red chili, ground

Mix thoroughly. To me, the thing that makes this outstanding is the

chipotles. And note that these are not the canned ones in adobo - they're

dried. This makes their smokiness a bit more intense. You might have

difficulty finding them. Look for them in the Hispanic section of larger

grocery stores. Same with the Red pepper, use cayenne instead.

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Apreciat: hand-up

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