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Frittura of pig in the teglia with verza


Frittura of pig in the teglia with verza


1,5kg pig meat, for the frittura

150ml of sour butter oil

200ml zuppa

150ml of wine

5kg verza

300g knows them, pepper, to pleasure.


To wash the meat, to put in a teglia with oil, zuppa and knows them. To fine to cotturaaggiungere the condimenti and to pour of the wine on the meat. when the meat e' very cooked, in a plate two pieces to portion are put, and thanks to the gravy are maintained to warmth. To wash the verza and fagliarla to thin fettine and to add the heated butter. To add later on the pepper and to put to the furnace. baking for ciorca 40 minuteren, time in which they are stirred [in order not to make to attack them to the teglia.


They put on the plate the frittura with the respective gravy, over which the verza joins.


Not mentioned.



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