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3 tablespoons of vegetable oil - (45ml)
1 medium minced onion
4 cloves of minced garlic
˝ cup of ketchup - (125nl)
˝ cup of tomato sauce - (125ml)
1 cup of water - (250ml)
3 tablespoons of cider vinegar - (45ml)
3 tablespoons of Worcester sauce - (45ml)
2 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice - (30ml)
1 teaspoon of your favourite hot sauce - (5ml)
˝ teaspoon of liquid smoke - (2.5ml)
˝ cup of apple sauce - (125ml)
3 tablespoons of firmly packed dark brown sugar - (45ml)
3 teaspoons of dry mustard - (15ml)
˝ teaspoon of freshly ground black pepper (2.5ml)
Salt - to taste

Heat oil in a large saucepan over medium heat, add onions, and garlic and sauté over low heat until soft and translucent.

Stir in ketchup, tomato sauce, water, cider vinegar, Worcestershire sauce, lemon juice, hot sauce, liquid smoke, sugar, dry mustard, and black pepper and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and low and simmer uncovered for approximately 15 minutes or until the sauce as thickened.

If the sauce becomes too thick add a tablespoon of water.

Remove from heat and season with salt and pepper, sugar and a splash of vinegar to taste. This sauce will keep for several weeks when covered tightly and stored in the refrigerator.

Yield: 3 cups

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Accesari: 766
Apreciat: hand-up

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