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Lemon Meringue Pie


Lemon Meringue Pie

Prep and cook time: 1 to 2 hours

Serves: 4-6

1 pack of fresh dessert short crust pastry

110g caster sugar

3 tablespoons cornflour

225ml cold water

Zest of 2 lemons

Juice of 3 lemons

80g butter

4 egg yolks

4 egg whites

220g caster sugar

Preheat the oven to 190°C, 375°F, gas mark 5.

Roll out pastry and use it to line a 20cm pie dish. Put in the freezer for 20 minutes, or for as long as you can. Remove from freezer, prick the bottom with a fork and bake for 10 minutes. Remove, set aside and reduce oven temperature to 150°C, 300°F, gas mark 2. To make the lemon filling, mix the sugar and corn flour with a little of the water to make a loose paste. Heat the rest of the water and bring to the boil with the lemon zest. When it is boiling, add the corn flour and sugar mix, whisking until it becomes thick. Take off the heat and stir in the lemon juice, butter and egg yolks. Whisk well until smooth, then pour into the pastry case.

For the meringue, whisk the egg whites until firm, and gradually add the sugar until glossy and thick. Pour over the lemon filling and bake for 45 minutes until it is crisp on the outside and squidgy in the middle.

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Apreciat: hand-up

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