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1 pound of new red and white Potatos - (500grams)
2 large bunches of watercress
juice from 2 lemons
2 cloves of minced garlic
½ cup of extra virgin olive oil - (125ml)
Salt & freshly ground black pepper to taste

Preparation Time: 15 minutes, Cooking Time: 25 minutes

Rise and scrub Potatos and trim stems away from watercress.

Place Potatos in a large saucepan with enough water to cover completely and bring to a boil over a high heat. Reduce heat and boil until Potatos are cooked through -about 25 minutes in total. Drain Potatos and set aside to cool.

Place watercress in a large salad bowl and set aside. In a separate bowl, combine lemon juice, garlic, olive oil and seasonings and whisk together to create vinaigrette.

Once Potatos are cool enough to handle cut them into quarters and add to watercress. Pour vinaigrette over Potatos and watercress and mix well and serve immediately.

Yields: 4 servings

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Apreciat: hand-up

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