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Sweet Potato Casserole


Sweet Potato Casserole

6 sweet potatoes - pricked all over with a fork & wrapped in foil
½ cup butter (125ml
1 tablespoon brown sugar (15ml)
1 cup whip cream (35%) (250m 24224y244y l)
2 eggs, lightly beaten
1 teaspoon vanilla (5ml)
1 teaspoon cinnamon (5ml)

¼ cup brown sugar garnish

Prepare barbecue for direct grilling. Preheat grill for low heat. Bake sweet potatoes over indirect heat for 30 minutes or until tender. Remove.

Allow to cool slightly to handle them and then slip them out of foil onto a baking sheet. Peel them and add them to a bowl along with butter, sugar, milk, eggs, vanilla and cinnamon. Use a hand wand to blend them into a smooth mixture. Butter a casserole dish and pour mixture into dish. Sprinkle top with brown sugar.

Preheat barbecue for low indirect heat by turning the two side burners on and the middle burner off to achieve a temperature of 325F/162C. Place the casserole dish on the middle burner and close the lid. Bake for 30 minutes.

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