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Yogurt-Mint Cucumber Salad


Yogurt-Mint Cucumber Salad

2 cucumbers sliced in ¼" (6mm)rounds
1 cup low-fat yogurt (250ml)
¼ cup mint (60ml)
2 tablespoons dill (30ml)
1 tablespoon olive oil (15ml)
1 tablespoon lemon juice (15ml)
1 tablespoon garlic, chopped (15ml)
salt and pepper to taste

Place a colander over a bowl to catch liquid.
Slice the cucumbers crosswise and place in the colander Sprinkle with salt and let sit for at least 1 hour. This draws out the excess water from the cucumbers and keeps your salad crispy. Discard the water and pat the cucumbers dry.

In a bowl combine low-fat plain yogurt, olive oil and lemon juice. Chop and add some garlic and dill. Add mint, salt and pepper to taste and the cucumbers. Toss evenly to coat. Serve well chilled.

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